Anxiety and Medical Cannabis

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the United States, affecting 40 million adults every year. Cannabis has been used to alleviate stress and anxiety for thousands of years. The three most frequently reported reasons for using medical cannabis are managing pain, anxiety, and depression. Over 58% of medical cannabis patients report using it to manage anxiety. Watch our Video for more information.


Watch our Video on Medical Cannabis and Anxiety to Learn More!

Treating Anxiety: Know the Components of Cannabis


THC - Tetrahydrocannabinol

Cannabis contains chemicals called cannabinoids that interact with the human body’s natural endocannabinoid system.   More research is needed, but here is significant scientific evidence supporting the use of Cannabis for Anxiety.

THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, is one of the two major cannabinoids.    THC has a biphasic effect when it comes to anxiety.   Low doses of THC reduce anxiety, but higher doses are ineffective or may even cause anxiety.  Nabilone, a synthetic THC drug, has been studied in patients with anxiety and PTSD.  One study suggested the low dose of 3mg daily may be optimal for reducing anxiety symptoms.   In a Canadian study following nearly  1400 patients using the Strainprint app, anxiety was reduced in 93.5% of tracked Cannabis sessions.  

CBD - Cannabidiol

Cannabidiol or CBD is the other major cannabinoid.  In 2015, Esther Blessing and colleagues reviewed 49 preclinical studies.  They found that existing preclinical evidence strongly supports CBD as a treatment for generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, obsessive–compulsive disorder, and PTSD.   In one placebo-controlled study,  24 patients with generalized social anxiety disorder were given 600mg of CBD before a simulated public speaking test.  The treated patents had significantly reduced anxiety and discomfort in speech performance.  In general, low to moderate amounts of CBD seem to significantly reduce anxiety symptoms.  

Benefits of using THC and CBD Together

Since both CBD and THC can reduce anxiety symptoms, we commonly recommend products containing both cannabinoids.  An additional benefit of this combination is that CBD reduces some of the side effects associated with THC.  CBD has been shown to counteract the anxiety caused by higher levels of THC.  Many of the anxiety patients we have seen have responded very well to cannabis products containing both THC and CBD.   

Minor Cannabinoids

In addition to THC and CBD,  over 130 minor cannabinoids have been identified, and several have shown promise in reducing anxiety symptoms.  CBG is just one example.  Several animal studies have reported on CBG’s ability to reduce anxiety symptoms, and we regularly see anecdotal evidence supporting CBG’s use in anxiety patients.   


Another class of chemicals found in Cannabis are the terpenes.  Terpenes are like the essential oils of cannabis.  They contribute to the flavor and aroma of cannabis, and some terpenes do provide medical benefits.   Several of these terpenes seem to help reduce anxiety symptoms.  Limonene, commonly also found in citrus fruits, has demonstrated anti-anxiety effects in animals by increasing serotonin in the prefrontal cortex and dopamine in the hippocampus.

β-Caryophyllene, another terpene,  displayed anti-anxiety and antidepressant effects in several animal studies.   β-Caryophyllene interacts directly with the endocannabinoid system, which seems to play a role in treating anxiety and depression. Other terpenes, such as linalool, pinene, myrcene, and terpinolene, most likely contribute to the anxiety reducing effects of Cannabis too.  

Choosing Dosage Forms


The different dosage forms of Cannabis have different onsets, delays, and durations. Combining dosage forms can be more effective.


There are several common Cannabis dosage forms. Many anxiety patients respond well to longer-acting dosage forms, such as  tinctures or capsules  that contain a low dose of THC and a low to moderate dose of CBD.  It is always recommended to start at a low dose and to increase slowly.   

For treating the acute symptoms of anxiety, inhaled products can provide quick relief.   Due to their fast onset and higher potency, it is important to find inhaled products with a chemical composition that is most likely to produce an anti-anxiety effect.   Inhaled products with higher concentrations of CBD and CBG will provide more anxiety relief while helping to cushion the side effects of THC.

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